Z. Naturforsch. 2014,
69b, 1221 – 1228
Coordination Chemistry of Perhalogenated Cyclopentadienes and Alkynes, XXXII [1]. Hydrolysis of Cymantrenyl-chlorosilanes [C5X5−n(SiMe2Cl)n]Mn(CO)3 (n ≥ 3) and Formation of Cyclopentadienyl-annelated 1,2,5-Oxadisiloles
Hofmann and
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Department of Chemistry, Butenandtstraße 9, 81377 München, Germany
Received August 1, 2014 / published online December 19, 2014
Dedicated to Professor Hubert Schmidbaur on the occasion of his 80th birthday
When cymantrenyl-chlorosilanes [C5X5−n(SiMe2Cl)n]Mn(CO)3 (X = H: n = 4; X = Br: n= 3–5; 1a–d) come in contact with moist solvents, hydrolysis of two vicinal SiMe2Cl groups occurs with condensation to give 1,2,5-oxadisiloles. With n = 3, only one oxadisilole ring is formed, while with n = 4 or 5 the formation of one and/or two oxadisiloles is observed. Similar reactions occur, when 1a–d are treated with MeMgCl or MeOH. The molecular structures of two products, [C5Br2(SiMe2Cl)(Si2Me4O)]Mn(CO)3 and [C5(SiMe2OMe)(Si2Me4O)2]Mn(CO)3, are reported.
Key words: Cymantrene, Chlorosilanes, Oxadisilole, Crystal Structure Determination