Z. Naturforsch. 2014,
69b, 519 – 524
Orthoamides and Iminium Salts LXXXVII [1]. A New and Facile Synthesis of 1,3-Dimethylthymine
Orthoamide und Iminiumsalze, LXXXVII [1]. Eine neue, einfache Synthese für 1,3-Dimethylthymin
Mezger1 and
Ivo C.
1 Fakultät Chemie/Organische Chemie, Hochschule Aalen, Beethovenstr. 1, D-73430 Aalen, Germany
2 Institut für Organische Chemie, Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Received March 4, 2014 / published online May 7, 2014
Dedicated to Professor Gerhard Maas on the occasion of his 65th birthday
1,3-Dimethylthymine can be prepared in a single-step reaction by heating a mixture of N-methyl-propionamide and the Bredereck-Simchen reagent [tert-butyloxy-bis(dimethylamino) methane].
Key words: Nucleo Base, Thymine, Bredereck-Simchen Reagent [tert-Butoxy-bis(dimethylamino)methane]