Z. Naturforsch. 2014,
69b, 481 – 485
BaRu3Sn6 – A Tin-rich Stannide with Ba@Sn8 and Ru@Sn7 Building Units
Schwickert and
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 30, 48149 Münster, Germany
Received January 22, 2014 / published online April 7, 2014
BaRh3Sn6 has been prepared by melting of the elements in a sealed tantalum tube and subsequent annealing. It crystallizes in the BaRh3Pb6-type structure: Cmcm, a = 807.4(2), b = 2615.3(6), c = 444.0(1) pm, wR = 0.0535, 957 F2 values, 36 variables. The structure is composed of Ba@Sn8 trapezoids (349 and 353 pm Ba–Sn) and Ru@Sn7 units (255–284 pm Ru–Sn) which can be derived from an octahedron by replacement of one apex by a pair of tin atoms. The Ru@Sn7 units are condensed to strands via the trapezoidal faces, and these strands are connected to the Ba@Sn8 trapezoids via common
edges. The tin substructure of BaRu3Sn6 exhibits a broad range of Sn–Sn distances (310–354 pm).
Key words: Stannide, Crystal Structure, Intermetallics