Z. Naturforsch. 2014,
69b, 131 – 140
Fluorescence-active Waveguides by the Sol-Gel Method. Theory and Application
Enrique Berman Professor of Solar Energy, The Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Received November 14, 2013 / published online February 17, 2014
Active waveguides can be applied in environmental sensors, telecommunication, medicine, computers and electronic convertors. The sol-gel technology allows formation of planar and fiber waveguides incorporating fluorescent organic and inorganic dopands. Several sol-gel matrices which enable the incorporation of lanthanides and their complexes and fluorescent organic molecules are presented. A short description of the theory of luminescence of lanthanides is outlined and examples of active waveguides known today are given. The mechanisms for infrared to visible light conversion are explained. Suggestions for practical approach to novel active waveguides are given. Increase of fluorescence as a result of an interaction of fluorescent species with metal nanoparticles is presented.
Key words: Sol-Gel Method, Waveguides, Fluorescence