Z. Naturforsch. 2013,
68b, 1371 – 1374
Photoreduction of CO to Methanol. The Photolysis of Aqueous Solutions of [Os(NH3)5(CO)]2+
Kunkely and
Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany
Received July 21, 2013 / published online November 22, 2013
The carbonyl complex [OsII(NH3)5(CO)]2+ undergoes a photolysis in aqueous solution which yields [OsVI(NH3)4N]3+ (Φ = 10−3 at λirr = 255 nm) and methanol. This photoreduction of CO to CH3OH represents a novel type of photoreactivity of metal carbonyl complexes and could be utilized for an artificial photosynthesis.
Key words: Photochemistry, Osmium Complexes, Metal Carbonyl Complexes, CO Reduction, Artificial Photosynthesis