Z. Naturforsch. 2013,
68b, 1295 – 1309
New Sulfido Antimonates of the Heavy Alkali Metals: Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Chemical Bonding of (K/Rb/Cs)3SbS3 and Cs3SbS4 ·H2O
Neue Sulfido-Antimonate der schweren Alkalimetalle: Synthese, Kristallstruktur und chemische Bindung von (K/Rb/Cs)3SbS3 und Cs3SbS4 ·H2O
Lisa V.
Schwarz and
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Freiburg, Albertstraße 21, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Received August 20, 2013 / published online November 22, 2013
The new sulfido antimonates(III) (Rb/Cs)3SbS3 were prepared from the alkali metal sulfides Rb2S/Cs2S2 and elemental antimony and sulfur or Sb2S3 at reaction temperatures of about 700 °C. The known isotypic potassium compound was similarily synthesized from the elements. The structures of the light-yellow crystals were refined using single-crystal X-ray data. Both compounds are isotypic to the respective Na salt forming the Na3AsS3 structure type (cubic, space group P213, K/Rb/Cs: a = 947.21(7)/982.28(5)/1025.92(5) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0159/0.0560/0.0582). The ψ-tetrahedral SbS33–
anions with Sb−S bond lengths of 242 pm are arranged in a cubic face centered packing, in which the three crystallographically different A+ cations occupy the tetrahedral and octahedral voids, overall exhibiting a distorted octahedral sulfur coordination. The chemical bonding and the characteristics of the stereochemically active lone electron pair have been investigated by means of FP-LAPW band structure calculations. Needle-shaped crystals of the monohydrate of the antimony(V) salt Cs3SbS4 · H2O were obtained from a suspension of Sb2O3, CsOH and elemental sulfur. Cs3SbS4 · H2O crystallizes in a new structure type (monoclinic, space group P21/c, a = 987.17(10),
b = 994.83(7), c = 1600.46(14) pm, β = 126.895(8)○, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0234). As expected, the Sb−S distances (233.1–234.7 pm) in the nearly ideally tetrahedral anion SbS43– are considerably shorter than in the antimonates(III) but match the bond lengths in the anhydrous sulfido antimonate(V) Cs3SbS4. Due to their similar fcc-like anion packing and the stereochemically active lone electron pair of Sb in the antimonates(III), the whole series of compounds A3SbIII,VS3/4 shows a uniform structure relation, which is elucidated using crystallographic group-subgroup relations.
Key words: Sulfidoantimonates, Thioantimonates, Rubidium, Cesium, Crystal Structure, Band Structure Calculation, Group-subgroup Relation