Z. Naturforsch. 2013,
68b, 1185 – 1190
Lead-flux Growth of Eu4Ir8As7 Crystals
Pfannenschmidt and
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie, Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 30, D-48149 Münster, Germany
Received August 26, 2013 / published online November 4, 2013
Single crystals of the new arsenide Eu4Ir8As7 were grown from a lead flux. The structure was refined on the basis of single-crystal X-ray diffractometer data: Ca4Ir8P7 type, P21/m, a = 1311.3(1), b = 408.4(1), c = 1360.3(1) pm, β =98.45(1)°, wR2 = 0.0640, 1985 F2 values, 95 variables. The iridium and arsenic atoms in the Eu4Ir8As7 structure build up a complex three-dimensional, covalently bonded [Ir8As7] network with Ir–As distances ranging from 239 to 260 pm. Each iridium atom has three or four arsenic neighbors in slightly distorted trigonal-planar or tetrahedral coordination. The four crystallographically independent europium atoms fill cavities of coordination numbers 12, 13, and 15 (2 ×) within the [Ir8As7] network. Parts of the Eu4Ir8As7 structure resemble known simpler structure types, and one can describe the Eu4Ir8As7 structure as an intergrowth variant of CaBe2Ge2-, TiNiSi- and AlB2-related slabs.
Key words: Arsenide, Lead Flux, Crystal Structure