Z. Naturforsch. 2012,
67b, 877 – 886
The Role of the Coordination Modes of a Flexible Bis(pyridylamide) Ligand in the Topology of 2D Copper(II) Complexes
Lin, and
Department of Chemistry, Bohai University, Jinzhou, 121000, P. R. China
Received July 2, 2012 / published online September 20, 2012
Two new two-dimensional copper(II) coordination polymers, [Cu(L)(BDC)]·H2O (1) and [Cu2(L)0.5(SIP)(OH)(H2O)]·2H2O (2) [L = N, N′-bis(3-pyridylamide)-1,6-hexane, H2BDC = 1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid, H3SIP = 5-sulfoisophthalic acid (3,5-dicarboxybenzenesulfonic acid)], have been synthesized hydrothermally by self-assembly of the flexible bis-pyridyl-bis-amide ligand L and the aromatic polycarboxylate ligands H2BDC or H3SIP. X-Ray diffraction analysis reveals that complex 1 displays a metal-organic coordination layer with a binodal (3,5)-connected {42.67.8}{42.6} topology, in which the L ligands adopt a μ2-bridging mode (via ligation of the pyridyl nitrogen atoms). Complex 2 also exhibits a layered network based on tetranuclear copper clusters [Cu4(μ3-OH)2(H2O)2(O2C-)4], L ligands and SIP anions, showing a binodal (4,8)-connected network with {414.610.84}{44.62} topology, in which the L ligands adopt a μ6-bridging coordination mode (via ligation of the pyridyl nitrogen and carbonyl oxygen atoms). Adjacent layers in 1 and 2 are further linked by hydrogen bonding
interactions to form three-dimensional supramolecular frameworks. The electrochemical behavior of the two complexes in bulk-modified carbon paste electrodes has been investigated.
Key words: Flexible Bis-pyridyl-bis-amide Ligand, Copper(II) Complexes, Crystal Structures, Topologies, Electrochemical Behavior