Z. Naturforsch. 66a, 794 (2011)
Editorial Note
The paper Z. Naturforsch. 66a, 228 (2011) by Dr. Valery P. Dmitriyev has been accepted and published after two rounds of refereeing. It has prompted a reply by Dr. Adrian Sfarti. This has been sent to the author Dr. Valery P. Dmitriyev and further referees. An agreed, common publication of response and re-response could not be considered as possible. After this first round the detailed response by Dr. Dmitriyev together with the full material has been sent for reviewing to several independent reviewers, not involved in any of the previous rounds of refereeing. The result was that the Dmitriyev paper is considered as incorrect and the Sfarti response as correct though not offering new high level results in the field. On this basis the editor decided to put an editorial retraction note on the internet version of ZNA 66a, 228 (2011) and to publish Dr. Sfarti's reply. Thus both manuscripts are (still or newly) visible to the audience. This Editorial Note summarizes the background.
Siegfried Grossmann, Editor-in-Chief of ZNA