Z. Naturforsch. 66a, 791 – 793 (2011)
Comment on the Paper “Absolute Motion Determined from Michelson-Type Experiments in Optical Media” by V. P. Dmitriyev
Adrian Sfarti
387 Soda Hall, UC Berkeley, USA
Received May 31, 2011
Reprint requests to: A. S.; E-mail: egas@pacbell.net
Alternative explanations to the Michelson–Morley experiment exist and continue to be produced. In the current paper, we will correct a recently published paper concerning a reenactment of the famous experiment. The author of the paper in cause claims the presence of a non-null result though he did not run any experiment himself. Dmitriyev bases his paper on a paper by Demjanov that has already been retracted by the journal where he originally published (V. V. Demjanov, Phys. Lett. A 374, 1110 (2010)). Our paper is organized as follows: in the background section we will give the correct expressions for the relativistic light speed in arbitrary media as opposed to the incorrect ones given in V. P. Dmitriyev, Z. Naturforsch. 66a, 228 (2011). We will follow by explaining the correct equations of the Michelson–Morley experiment in a refractive medium with n >; 1, and we will outline the errors in V. P. Dmitriyev, Z. Naturforsch. 66a, 228 (2011). The non-mainstream claims of detecting ‘absolute motion’ are refuted by both theoretical and experimental data.
Key words: Michelson–Morley Experiment; Fizeau Equations; Refractive Index.
PACS numbers: 03.30.+p
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