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Contents Vol. 52a (1997) |
Jump to:
No 3,
No 4,
No 5,
No 6/7,
No 8/9,
No 10,
No 11,
No 12
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N u m b e r 1/2 | ||
Proceedings of the workshop in honor of Prof. E. C. G. Sudarshan, Austin, September 15 - 17, 1991 | ||
B.-G. Englert and G. Süssmann | 1 | |
I. Personal recollections | ||
Sudarshan's Optical Researches
E. Wolf | 2 | |
The Pain and Joy of a Major Scientific Discovery
R. E. Marshak | 3 | |
II. General Physics | ||
Quantum Mechanics as a Generalization of Nambu Dynanamics to the Weyl-Wigner Formalism
I. Bialynicki-Birula and P. J. Morrison | 9 | |
Time reversal Symmetry and Humpty-Dumpty
B.-G. Englert | 13 | |
Is There a Preferred Canonical Quantum Gauge?
Y. Aharonov and J. Anandan | 15 | |
On Some Aspects of an Hg Based EPR Experiment
T. Walther and E. S. Fry | 20 | |
Fuzzy Transitions from Quantum to Classical Mechanics of New Phenomena of Mesoscopic Objects
J. P. Hsu | 25 | |
Measurement of a Weak Value
R. G. Hulet, N. W. M. Ritchie, and J. G. Story | 31 | |
Predicting Two Dimensional and Hamiltonian Chaos
A. K. Pattanayak and W. C. Schieve | 34 | |
From Poicaré's Divergences to Quantum Mechanics with Broken Time Symmetry
I. Prigogine | 37 | |
A Principal of Linear Covariance for Quantum Mechanics and Its Consequences Taken Beyond Symmetry
O. Sinano\uglu | 46 | |
Uncertainty Relation: From Inequality to Equality
G. Süssmann | 49 | |
Quantum Irreversibility and Chaos
B. J. West, P. Grigolini, L. Bonci, and R. Roncaglia | 53 | |
III. Mathematical Physics | ||
Understanding the q-Factors in Quantum Group Symmetry
L. C. Biedenharn and K. S. Rao | 59 | |
Ray and Phases: A Paradox?
L. J. Boya | 63 | |
The Quantum Phase
B. Kendrick | 66 | |
Coherent States and Coordinate-Free Quantization
J. R. Klauder | 69 | |
Poisson Brackets and Nijenhuis Tensor
S. Okubo | 76 | |
L. O'Raifeartaigh | 79 | |
Gravitation Theory in Path Space
C. Teitelboim | 86 | |
A Conformal Field Theory of Extrinsic Geometry of 2-d Surfaces
K. S. Viswanathan and R. Parthasarathy | 97 | |
IV. Quantum Optics | ||
Nonperturbative Behavior of Higer-Harmonic Production in a Model Atom
W. Becker, S. Long, and J. K. McIver | 105 | |
Detection of Laser Induced Gratings via Acousic Enhancement
T. D. Black and D. A. Larson | 108 | |
Energy Gain, Stability, and Bunching in Gas-Loaded Hermite-Gaussian Laser Linac
E. J. Bochove, G. T. Moore, and M. O. Scully | 111 | |
The Dressed State Picture in Quantum Coherence and Interference
C. H. Keitel, H. M. Doss, M. Fleischhauer, L. M. Narducci, M. O. Scully, and S.-Y. Zhu | 114 | |
Laser Linac Using a Lens Waveguide in Vacuum
G. T. Moore, E. J. Bochove, and M. O. Scully | 117 | |
Sudarhan-Glauber P, Q, and Wigner W Distributions in Correlated-Spontaneous-Emission Lasers
M. O. Scully and S.-Y. Zhu | 120 | |
Quantum Optics with Trapped Ions
M. G. Raizen | 123 | |
Squeezing of Light within the Framework of Population Theoretic Approach
S. K. Srinivasan | 124 | |
Laser-Phase-Noise-Induced Stochastic-Resonance Fluorescence
C. Su, A. A. Rangwala, and K. Wódkiewicz | 127 | |
High Resolution Subwavelength Inspection Method for Mesuring the Uniformity of Conducting Films
R. G. Torti and J. C. Couchman | 130 | |
V. Particle Physics | ||
The Structure of QCD Vacuum and Related Topics
S. K. Bose | 133 | |
How Can We Find the Exotics?
G. Bhamathi | 137 | |
Relativistic Hamiltonian Model for Higgs Resonance
C. B. Chiu, E. C. G. Sudarshan, and G. Bhamathi | 140 | |
Broken Chiral Symmetry in Hot QCD: The Pion Halo
N.-P. Chang | 143 | |
Self-Duality Condition and Critical Potential
C. Cronström, P. P. Srivastava, and K. Tanaka | 147 | |
CP Violation
F. J. Gilman | 149 | |
Whither the Anyon?
C. R. Hagen | 155 | |
Production of Tauonic Uranium in e+-e- Machines
P. D. Morley | 157 | |
SU(2/1) as a Chiral Supersymmetry
Y. Ne'eman | 160 | |
Old Wine in New Bottles - Mass Spectra, Bootstrap and Hierarchy
Y. Nambu | 163 | |
Neutrinos: Harbingers of New Theories
P. Ramond | 167 | |
A Brief Introduction to Strong CP Problem
D.-d. Wu | 179 | |
Original Communications | ||
Planck Scale Physics and Newton's Object Conjecture
F. Winterberg | 183 | |
Note | ||
On Hide's Magnetic Analogue of Ertel's Vorticity Theorem
W. Schröder and H.-J. Treder | 210 | |
N u m b e r 3 | ||
Original Communications | ||
On the Shock Front Thickness in Water and othe Molecular Liquids
S. Hess | 213 | |
Algebraic Schrödinger Representation of Quantum Chromodynamics in Temporal Gauge and Resolution of Constraints
H. Stumpf and W. Pfister | 220 | |
Nitrogen Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in RDX, b-HMX and Cocaine Systems
R. Pati, T. P. Das, N. Sahoo, and S. N. Ray | 241 | |
X-Ray and 35Cl NQR Studies on the trichloroacetyl Group in Covalent and Ionic Compounds of L-Valine and DL-Valine
A. R. Ofial, S.-q. Dou, V. G. Krishnan, H. Paulus, and Al. Weiss | 249 | |
Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Study on the Structure of Ultraphosphate Glasses
U. Hoppe, G. Walter, D. Stachel, A. Barz, and A. C. Hannon | 259 | |
Interaction of Slow Neutrons with Cobalt and Tin
K. Knopf, W. Waschkowski, A. Aleksejevs, S. Barkanova, and J. Tambergs | 270 | |
Quantum Deformation of the Non-Polynomial Interaction
V(r) = r2 + l
r2 / (1+gr2) N. Nag, A. Sinha, and R. Roychoudhury | 279 | |
Structure of Ni-P Melts by X-Ray Diffraction
B. Sedelmeyer and S. Steeb | 284 | |
Temperature Effect on the Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of p-Cyano-N,N-dimethylaniline in Dichloroethane and Ethyl Acetane
A. Kawski and G. Piszczek | 289 | |
Notes | ||
The Microwave Spectrum of the Benzonitrile-Water Complex
V. Storm, D. Consalvo, and H. Dreizler | 293 | |
A Symbolic-computationa-Based Method and Two Nonlinear Evolution Equations for Water Waves
Y.-T. Gao and B. Tian | 295 | |
N u m b e r 4 | ||
Original Communications | ||
ab initio Calculation of 33S Quadrupole Coupling Constants. Reanalysis of the 33S Hyperfine Structure in the Rotational Spectrum of Thiirane
B. Kirchner, H. Huber, G. Steinbrunner, H. Dreizler, J.-U. Grabow, and I. Merke | 297 | |
Rotational Tunnelling in Methyl Metal Compounds X2(CH3)4 with X = As, Sb, Bi
A. Kuhnen, W. Müller-Warmuth, M. Prager, O. Mundt, M. Reti, and G. Becker | 306 | |
Anisotropic Interaction Potentials for He-Pyrrole, He-Furane and He-Thiophene from Total Differential Cross Section Measurements
R. Schmidt, C. Gebauer, O. Klein, and W. Seidel | 317 | |
EPR of Gd3+ in Sulfate Host Crystals of Low Symmetry
M. Bode, B. D. Mosel, and W. Müller-Warmuth | 323 | |
An ab initio Study of the C60 Particle-Hole Pair C6012+ and C6012-
M. C. Böhm, J. Schulte, and R. Schlögl | 331 | |
On the Variant Boussinesq Equations
Y.-T. Gao and B. Tian | 335 | |
A New Nuclear-Quadrupole Double-resonance Technique based on Solid Effect
J. Seliger and V. \vZagar | 337 | |
Two-Dimensional NQR Spectoscopy for the Characterization of Crystalline Powders
P. Käuper, V. Göbbels, P. Blümler, and B. Blümich | 343 | |
Thermodynamics of b-cyclodextrine/water Interactions
C. Margheritis, A. Marini, and S. Sinistri | 348 | |
Interaction of Alkaline Earth Metal Ions with Acetic and Lactic Aqueous Solutions Studied by 13C NMR Spectroscopy
A. Kondoh and T. Oi | 351 | |
Thermochemical Nonequilibrium in Rapidly Expanding Flows of High-Temperature Air
M. Nishida and M. Matsumoto | 358 | |
Thermal Instability in Rivlin-Ericksen Elastico-Viscous Fluids in Hydromagnetics
R. C. Sharma and P. Kumar | 369 | |
Notes | ||
Modification of the Generalized tanh Method with sech Function for Generalized Hamiltonian Equations
B. Tian and Y.-T. Gao | 372 | |
Temperature Dependence of the proton NMR Spectra of Bitumen
J. Dolinšek, G. Lahajnar, B. Marin, J. Pirš, A. Sepe, J. Slak, F. Milia, and R. Blinc | 373 | |
N u m b e r 5 | ||
Original Communications | ||
The Particle in a Box: Structures in the Probability Density (In German)
P. Stifter, C. Leichtle, W. P. Schleich, and J. Marklof | 377 | |
A Generalized Debye Scattering Equation
Th. Wieder and H. Fuess | 386 | |
Fingerprints of Superpositions of Multifractals and Second Order Phase Transition
R. Stoop | 393 | |
Is the Uncertainty relation at the Root of all Mutual Exclusiveness?
D. Sen, A. N. Basu, and S. Sengupta | 398 | |
Low Frequency Dielectric Relaxiation Process in Liquid Crystals with Nematic and Liquid-Like Smectic Phases
S. Urban, H. Kresse, and R. D\cabrowski | 403 | |
Absorption, Fluorescence and Emission Anisotropy Spectra of 4-Cyano-N,N-dimethylaniline in Different Media and at Different Temperatures
A. Kawski and G. Piszczek | 409 | |
Structure of Fe-Si-melts by X-ray Diffraction
B. Sedelmeyer and S. Steeb | 415 | |
Density and Electrical Conductivity of Molten (2K,Fe)Cl2, (2K,Co)CL2, and (2K,Ni)Cl2
A. A. Red'kin, A. B. Salyulev, M. V. Smirnov, and V. A. Khokholov | 420 | |
Helium Atom scattering from Cyclopentane, Pyrrolidine and Tetrahydrofurane in Crossed Molecular Beams
C. Gebauer, O. Klein, R. Schmidt, and W. Seidel | 425 | |
Long-range Structures in Bulk Water. A molecular Dynamics Study
A. Kohlmeyer, W. Witschel, and E. Spohr | 432 | |
Photoconductivity of an Anthracene/2,2,4,4-Tetramethylpentane Solution: pressure Effect on the Photoionization of Solute and Solvent
R. Katoh, K. Lacmann, and W. F. Schmidt | 435 | |
Internal Mobilities in the Molten Binary Systems (Tl,K)NO3 and (Tl,Cs)NO3
R.-H. Chou and I. Okada | 441 | |
Evaluation of Luminescence Decay Measurements Probed on Pure and Doped Pt(IV) Heexahalogeno Complexes. II. Molecular Properties Obtained from Temperature Dependent Lifetime Curves
I. Biertümpel and H.-H. Schmidtke | 447 | |
Dihxdronaphthalenone Carboxylates - Spectral Characteristics and Structure
Sn. Bakalova, A. Georgieva, P. Nikolov, and E. Stanoeva | 457 | |
Notes | ||
Report on the Generalized Tanh method Extended to a Variable-Coefficient Korteweg-de Vries Equation
B. Tian and Y.-T. Gao | 462 | |
Research Note on New Similarity Reductions of a Variable-coefficient Korteweg-de Vries Equation
B. Tian | 463 | |
N u m b e r 6/7 | ||
Original Communications | ||
Copper Contamination Mechanism of Silicon Substrates from HF Solutions
V. Bertagna, F. Rouelle, and M. Chemla | 465 | |
Calculation of the NMR Second Moment for Solid Benzene with Rotation and Diffusion of Molecules - Numerical Approach
R. Goc | 477 | |
A Weak Field EPR Study on TANOL in Water and Water-Oil Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
N. Horasan, M. M. Sünnetçio\uglu, R. Sungur, and G. Bingöl | 485 | |
Different Thermal Analysis under High Pressure on 6-TPEB
C. Ernst, G. M. Schneider, A. Würflinger, J. Jad\.zyn, and R. D\cabrowski | 490 | |
Differential Thermal Analysis and PVT Measurements on 2.2.2-Trichloro-ethanol Under High Pressure
M. Jenau, M. Sandmann, A. Würflinger, and J. Ll. Tamarit | 493 | |
Ionic Motion of Phenethylammonium Ion in [C6H5CH2NH3]2PbX4 (X = Cl, Br, I) as Studied by 1H NMR
T. Ueda, M. Omo, K. Shimizu, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda | 502 | |
Chaotic Spike Patterns Evoked by periodic Inhibition of Rat Cortical Neurons
K. A. Schindler, C. A. Bernasconi, R. Stoop, P. H. Goodmann, and R. J. Douglas | 509 | |
The Complete Bifurcation Diagram for the Logistic Map
T. Tsuchiya and D. Yamagishi | 513 | |
Pecularities of the 35Cl and 79Br NQR Spectra of Chalcogenhalide Complexes of Some Transition Metals
Z. A. Fokina, V. L. Kolesnichenko, V. I. Pekhnyo, and S. V. Volkov | 517 | |
X-ray Diffraction Studies on Supercooled Aqueous Lithium Bromide and Lithium Iodide Solutions
T. Takamuku, M. Yamagami, H. Wakita, and T. Yamaguchi | 521 | |
Hydromagnetic Stability of Two Rivlin-Ericksen Elastico-Viscous Superposed Conducting Fluids
R. C. Sharma and P. Kumar | 528 | |
On the Supperposed Surrealism of Bohmian Mechanics
L. Becker | 533 | |
Investigation of the Reaction between Fe2O3 and Al Accomplished by Ball Milling and Self-Propagating High-temperature Techniques
G. Cao, G. Concas, A. Corrias, R. Orru, G. Paschina, B. Simoncini, and G. Spano | 539 | |
Isolated versus Condensed Anion Structure III: The Influence of Cations 1,3-propanediammonium, 1-4-butanediammonium, n-propylammonium, n-butylammonium and n-pentylammonium on Structures and Phase Transitions of ZnBr42-
H. Ishihara, S.-q. Dou, K. Horiuchi, H. Paulus, H. Fuess, and Al. Weiss | 550 | |
Theoretical Determination of the Mass of a Roton
S. Bohaty | 561 | |
Linear and Non-linear Polaruzabilities for P2(X1Sg+)
G. Maroulis | 564 | |
Note | ||
Mean Amplitudes of Vibration of the "Onium" Cations H3O+, H3S+ and H3Se+
E. J. Baran | 567 | |
N u m b e r 8/9 | ||
Original Communications | ||
Nonlinearities, Dynamics, and Fractals
J. Peinke and A. Kittel | 569 | |
Parametric Excitation of Breathers in a Nonlinear Lattice
M. Abel and A. Pikovsky | 570 | |
On the Correspondence of Time-Delay and Spacially Extended Systems
M. J. Bünner, Th. Meyer, A. Kittel, and J. Parisi | 573 | |
Frequency Clustering in a Chain of Weakly Coupled Oscillators
T. Kirner and O. E. Rössler | 578 | |
Whispering Gallery Orbits in the Bunimovich Stadium
C. A. Kruelle, A. Kittel, J. Peinke, and R. Richter | 581 | |
Space-Discretized Verlet-Algorithm from a Variational Principle
W. Nadler, H. H. Diebner, and O. E. Rössler | 585 | |
A New Approach to Characterize Disordered Structures
J. Peinke, R. Friedrich, and A. Naert | 588 | |
Micro Relativity
O. E. Rössler, H. H. Diebner, and W. Pabst | 593 | |
Scaling Properties of Traffic-flow Data
P. Wagner and J. Peinke | 600 | |
Construction of Chaotically Synchronizing Systems and Some Methods of Controlling Chaos
A. Posiewnik | 605 | |
Computer Simulation of the Order-Disorder Transition in Ammonium Chloride
R. Goc and J. W. W\casicki | 609 | |
35Cl NQR Studies of Bismuth Trichloride
P. K. Babu and J. Ramakrishna | 614 | |
Charge Transport and relaxation in Tritglycine Sulphate (TGS)
W. Osak | 621 | |
An Exact and Simple Approach to log-log Plots for Defect and Ionic Equilibria
G. Spinolo, U. Anselmi-Tamburini, and P. Ghigna | 629 | |
Cationic Self-diffusion in Solid Chlorine perchlorate Studied by 1H NMR
H. Ishida, M. Kato, H. Ono, and R. Ikeda | 637 | |
The Kinetics of Catalytic Reactions Studied by Resistivity Measurements on Thin Metal Films
H.-U. Finzel, Bi Heping, and P. Wissmann | 640 | |
Structure of Molten Mn74Si26 and Molten Mn33.5Si66.5 by Neutron Diffraction
B. Sedelmeyer, P. Lampater, and S. Steeb | 645 | |
The Blue Bottle Experiment and Pattern Formation in this System
L'. Adam\vcíková and P. Šev\´cík | 650 | |
Combined High Resolution UV and Microwave Results: Structure of the Benzonitrile-Water Complex
R. M. Helm, H.-P. Vogel, H. J. Neusser, V. Storm, D. Consalvo, and H. Dreizler | 655 | |
A Set of Atom-in-Molecule Polarizability Increments Derived by Means of the MINDO/3-FP Method
G. Raabe, E. Zobel, R. Kock, and J. P. Souren | 665 | |
Dielectric Specroscopy of Binary Liquid Mixtures of Methanol with Morphine, Pyrrolidine and some of their Derivatives
V. K. Syal, U. Becker, R. Elsebrock, and M. Stockhausen | 675 | |
Notes | ||
The Inversion Invariance of Lorentz Transformations
H. Sallhofer | 678 | |
Crystal Structure of the High-temperature Solid Phases of Choline Tetrafluoroborate and Iodide
H. Ishida, H. Ono, and R. Ikeda | 679 | |
N u m b e r 10 | ||
Original Communications | ||
NMR Study of Collective Motions and Bending Rigidity in Multilamellar System of Lipid and Surfactant Bilayers
J. Struppe, F. Noack, and G. Klose | 681 | |
Helium Atom Scattering from C2H6, F6HCCH3, F3CCH2F and C2F6 in Crossed Molecular Beams
M. Hammer and W. Seidel | 695 | |
Radiative Lifetimes of The Perturbed 6snf 3F3, 1F3, and 3F4 Rydberg Sequences of Barium
M. A. Zaki Ewiss | 702 | |
The Square Root Approximation to the Dispersion Relation of the Axially-symmetric Electron Wave on a Cylinrical Plasma
V. M. Babovi\´c, B. A. Ani\vcin, and D. M. Davidovi\´c | 709 | |
Dilatometric Studies Across the Isotropic Smectic-F Transition
M. Srinivasulu, D. M. Potukuchi, and V. G. K. M. Pisipati | 713 | |
Quantum Constraints in p Systems: The Role of the
Pauli Antisymmetry Principle for p Electronic Properties
M. C. Böhm and J. Schütt | 717 | |
On the Role of the Pauli Antisymmetry Priciple in Pericyclic Reactions
M. C. Böhm and J. Schütt | 727 | |
PVT Measurements on 4-n-Pentyl-4'-Cyano-Biphenyl (5CB) and trans-4-(4'-Octyl-Cyclohexyl)-Benzonitrile (8PCH) up to 300 MPa
M. Sandmann, F. Hamann, and A. Würflinger | 739 | |
Second Virial Coefficients and Transport Properties of Hexafluoride Gases from an Improved Intermolecular Potential
I. Coroiu and D. E. Demco | 748 | |
N u m b e r 11 | ||
Original Communications | ||
Proton Spin-lattice Relaxiation in Amorphous States of Organic Molecular Solids
M. T. Myaing, L. Šekari\'c, and P. A. Beckmann | 757 | |
EPR Study of VO2+ and Cr3+ in Li2SO4 · H2O Single Crystals
F. Çelik, F. Köksal, \.I. Kartal, and H. Gümü\cs | 765 | |
Spectral-Inferometry Measurements of Copper Atoms in a Segmented Hollow Cathode Discharge
L. Szalai, M. Ulbel, T. Neger, G. Pretzler, Z. Donkó, K. Rózsa, and R. C. Tobin | 771 | |
Ultrasonic Studies of Ferroelectric Phase Transition in Gly-H3PO3 Crystals
J. Furtak, Z. Czapla, and A. V. Kityk | 778 | |
NMR Studies of Cation Motion in Guanidium Iodoplumbates
M. Grottel, M. Szafa\´nski, and Z. Paj\cak | 783 | |
Zonar Distributazion of 18O in Synthetic Quartz Crystals
A. Klemm, K. Röller, and S. Hoernes | 789 | |
The Use of Parameter-Free Correlation Functions in Green's Function Monte Carlo Simulations of Small Electronic Systems
C. Mecke and F. F. Seelig | 793 | |
The Microwave Spectrum of the Bimolecular Trifluoroacetic Acid···Cyclopropanecaboxylic Acid
S. Antolínez, H. Dreizler, V. Storm, D. H. Sutter, and J. L. Alonso | 803 | |
Peculiar Dielectric Relaxation Behaviour of Dimethylsulfoxide in Tetrachloromethane
W. Dechert, R. Elsebrock, I. K. Hakim, and M. Stockhausen | 807 | |
Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Aqueous Alkali Halide Solutions
M. Kakiuchi | 811 | |
Boron Isotope Effect in Liquid Chromatography with Boron-specific Resins as Packing Material
T. Oi, H. Takeuchi, A. Sakurai, Y. Taguchi, and M. Hosoe | 821 | |
Cluster Formation in a Concentrated Lithium-Liquid Ammonia Solution. A Monte Carlo Study
S. Hannongbua, S. Kokpol, Z. Gurskii, and K. Heinzinger | 828 | |
Note | ||
An Explanation of the Paradox Underlying the Trouton-Hildebrand-Everett Rule
J. J. Rooney | 835 | |
W. Nadler, H. H. Diebner, and O. E. Rössler | 836 | |
N u m b e r 12 | ||
Original Communications | ||
Effect of Substituens on the Viscosity Dependence of Fluorescence and on the S1-T1 Energy Gap of Donor-Acceptor Substituted Trans-Stilbenes
H. E. Wilhelm, H. Gebert, and W. Regenstein | 837 | |
Electric and Magnetic Potentials of Uniformly Accelerated Charge Distributions
P. Hillion | 843 | |
EPR Studies of V2+ in Ba(ClO4)2·3 H2O Single Crystals
M. Yavuz, H. Kalkan, A. Bulut, Š. Atalay, and E. Öztekin | 849 | |
Structural Study of Poly-Molybdate Ions in Acid Mo-Ni Aqueous Solutions
K. Shinoda, E. Matsubara, M. Saito, Y. Waseda, T. Hirato, and Y. Awakura | 855 | |
NMR Studies on the Dynamic of Intercalated Water in Li-saponite
S. Ishimaru and R. Ikeda | 863 | |
Polygonal Systems Including the Corannulene and Coronene Homologs: Novel Applications of Pólya's Theorem
S. J. Cyvin, B. N. Cyvin, J. Brunvoll, I. Gutman, Ch. Rong-si, S. El-Basil, and Z. Fuji | 867 | |
Note | ||
Boron Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling in BF(OH)2: Boron Isotope Effect in Liquid Chromatography with Boron-specific Resins as Packing Material
V. Storm and H. Dreizler | 874 | |
Report | ||
Exchange Currents in Baryons
A. J. Buchmann | 877 | |
Sachverzeichnis | 941 | |
Authors Index | 945 |